Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Student Spotlight: Carl Hood

Posted 03/12/2009 by Asia Dorsey

TV Show: House
Memory @ TJ: “All the time spent with friends.”
Subject: Law
Teacher: Mr. Heaton
What activities do you do at TJ: “I go to class, I teach ROTC , I hang out with friends at lunch, and strive for success.”
If you could be any character in a book who would you be: ‘I’d want to be Sam I  am from Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss.
If you could live during any time period, which would it be: “I’d be born in prehistory with the Dinosaurs.”
Two random facts about me:
1.) “I am in the Army.”

2.) “My dream is to be in the culinary arts.”
Favorite Quote:
“A foolish man stays the same, but a wise one changes many times.” -Jimmy Hood