Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Super Bowl XLVI

Posted 01/31/2012 by Matthew Fabian

The Patriots and Giants face off in a rematch of Super Bowl XLII.

Artwork by Kiera Classen

I really circled the drain last week, seeing both Harbaugh Brothers defeated and sending me to 4-6 for the postseason, and no chance of finishing above .500. But, this is the Super Bowl, and if I get this one right it could be the saving grace of my postseason. Tom Brady is looking for his fourth Super Bowl ring in five starts, while Eli looks to earn his second championship. There are multiple parallels between this Super Bowl and the ’07 Super Bowl these two teams played in. But will it be the same result?

New York Giants vs. New England Patriots: Tom Brady brings in his offense clicking on all cylinders, even after a game against the tough Ravens’ defense. Brady apologized for his performance in the AFC Championship game, but why? He won the game and had a rushing touchdown. Apology accepted here. Brady is clutch and has the determination of a champion. He also brings along Rob Gronkowski who has the best hands in the Patriot receiving core. Gronkowski broke multiple tight end records this season, and has continued his path of destruction right into the playoffs. Gronkowski matches up well against a weaker Giants linebacking core and secondary. The Patriots defense has also been playing well since the playoffs started. They were ridiculed so much going into the playoffs, they had to step up for this team to go far. Vince “Big Boy” Wilfork stepped up and has single-handedly changed games for this team. Last week, Wilfork pushed the Ravens’ center straight back into Joe Flacco. Wilfork then took Flacco down with just one hand. The Ravens were off the field and the Patriots scored after the punt. Wilfork had a seven point turn around on that one play.

The Giants have just as good as a pass rush too. Jason Pierre-Paul, Osi Umenyiora, and Justin Tuck man the frontline and have combined for 30.5 sacks. They have gotten after the quarterback this postseason much like in ’07. This Giants team has heated up mightily over the last weeks in the run game. Amadaw Bradshaw has run over the Falcons, Packers, and 49ers defense. Why wouldn’t he against the Patriots? Then there’s Eli Manning, who has proven me wrong three weeks in a row. Manning has proven his elite status by winning games in the fourth quarter, and once in overtime in the NFC Championship Game. Eli will want this Super Bowl ring to finally one-up his brother and looked upon as the better quarterback.

This will be the final week of football, and it honestly makes me a little sad. For six months, there won’t be any football played. But, this is also the best weekend in football because the entire season has boiled down to this. Patriots or Giants? If history repeats itself, Giants. If the better team wins, Patriots. At the end, I give my kiss of death to the Patriots. The Call: Patriots, 35-20