Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Teacher Kudos Conferred at Halftime

Posted 01/20/2009 by Jake Hazan

Spartan hoop squad honors staff at Teacher Appreciation Night.


Spanish Teacher Rose Romero-Young is honored at halftime. photo by Kevin Fleming

On Wednesday, December 17, the Spartan hoop squad acknowledged their favorite teachers at the first home game, against Bear Creek.

Each player selected his favorite teacher and wrote a brief explanation about why he chose him or her. All four levels of TJ basketball participated (the freshman team, the C team, JV, and Varsity) and at halftime of each game the players admirations were read by Coach Grant Laman over the PA and the teachers were called down to the court to accept a certificate.

Lispin Kuruvilla, Ed Salazar, Brett Butera, Kimberly Holtman, and Bill Burns were all honored during the C-Team game, and Matthew Spampinato, Jacquelyn Hudson-Raila, Kirk Hammond, and Mark Sperry were all honored during the JV game. The teachers who were honored during the varsity game were Jon Poole, Rose Romero-Young, Sharon Colbath, and Jeffrey Almond.

“It’s always great to be recognized by students, but it is extra special when you can get involved in an extra curricular activity and share the same interests as your students,” said Spampinato, the Computer Magnet Director at TJ.

Geography and American Government teacher Rachel Stutzman was the brains behind the operation and put together the entire event as a part of her Spartan Up! contribution. Spartan Up! is a program created by TJ Cultural Committee that encourages the TJ community members to individually sponsor an event or activity, that is outside their normal duties, to better the school culture.

“I think it is important for teachers to take part in extra curricular activities,” said Stutzman. “I had a lot of fun planning the whole event and hearing what the kids had to say about the teachers. I feel that we don’t hear enough positive things about teachers, and this was a great way for the students to express positive feedback.”

“We were glad to do it and recognize the teachers that the players have respect for,” Head Coach Grant Laman said. “It was the best Spartan Up! we have had. She went far beyond the call of duty to make our school better.”