Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

The Face Behind the Voice

Posted 09/11/2009 by Martha Alvarez

Hebert helps students find their musical voice at TJ.

Edwina Heber sets the tone for a variety of vocal music opportunites at TJ.  photo by Rebecca Holt.

Edwina Hebert sets the tone for a variety of vocal music opportunities at TJ. photo by Rebecca Holt.

We all dream of one day being able to turn something we love into a living and being able to say we have found our calling in life, and for Edwina Hebert, she found her passion in a remote hallway at TJ.

Born and raised in Beeville, Texas, Hebert was a happy child who enjoyed music at a very young age. “I learned to sing before I learned to talk. I was the kind of kid that would always get in trouble for talking and singing in class,” said Hebert. She spent her first two grade school years in this small town, until her family moved to Colorado during her third grade year. She later attended Cherry Creek High School, where she was involved in choir and most of the musicals at the school. “I did the jazz choir at Creek. That is the one choir I look back on and use as a teacher,” said Hebert. This sprouted her interest for a career in music, which she continued to pursue in college.

A proud graduate of the University of Colorado-Boulder class of 2004, Hebert majored in music education and then began teaching at Saint Vincent de Paul, a private kindergarten through 8th grade school in Denver, where she taught for two years. “Teaching the little people was different. It’s general music rather than having the chance to focus on a choir. The class size was much smaller,” said Hebert.

During her time teaching at St. Vincent’s, Hebert decided that being a high school teacher was in her future career plans. “Another choir teacher from East High school informed me about the job opening here at TJ. I decided to apply, interviewed with Ms. Just, and was hired,” said Hebert. “TJ was my dream job. TJ is the best high school in the Denver Public Schools (DPS) system, and I am glad to be a teacher here,” added Hebert with a smile.

“Classes with Ms. Hebert are always fun. They are really effective and we learn stuff and don’t even realize it,” said Mina Bradley-Belcaid, who is part of Hebert’s Advanced Choir and Monticello. Hebert also teaches AP Music Theory (new to TJ this year), The Spartanaires (female chorus), Spartan Men’s Chorus, Advanced Choir, and the Monticello Singers.

Along with the student choruses, Hebert is involved with a semi-professional choir, the Cantovei, a jazz combo group. “I also want to get involved with Dazzle and be able to sing there like I did over the summer,” said Hebert. Dazzle Restaurant and Lounge is one of Denver’s most prestigious live music locations, and is well recognized for its jazz acts. “(The Drama Department) is holding a fundraiser with Dazzle to help promote our RENT Project,” added Hebert. Many of her students are awaiting auditions to be able to sing alongside their teacher during one of these fund-raising events.

“Everyone is very excited about the things Ms. Hebert brings to class. She is getting everyone involved in the RENT project and working with us to do well on our auditions, ”said Bradley-Belcaid, who hopes to play one of the larger roles in the musical. RENT is a musical about eight twenty-year old artists in the lower east side of New York who are dealing with AIDS and other urban challenges. The play is a chance for all the choir students to display their vocal talent and the techniques they have been taught by Hebert.

Hebert is very supportive of all the students who show an interest in music related careers. Along with helping them to be part of TJ’s plays and musicals, she opens up opportunities for them to be able to expand their singing careers. “I try to get students auditions and information of places where they can go to school. There is also a local Jazz camp that I encourage them to take,” said Hebert.

A lover of music, and TJ in general, Hebert hopes to see her students succeed in the field of music. “I love to sing. Ever since I was little I loved it, and still today it continues to be my passion. It was never a matter of finding out I loved to sing. I always knew it,” said Hebert.