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The Mourning Hours of Rome

Posted 01/24/2023 by Akaash Raghunath

Decorated in his traditional garments, Pope Benedict XVI greets his followers in Venice, Italy warmly. photo by Marco Secchi

Pope Benedict XVI, former head of the Catholic Church,  dies at age 95.

Pope Benedict XVI (sixteen), originally named Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, served as the head of the Catholic Church from 2005 until he officially resigned in 2013. After retiring, he lived out the remainder of his life in the Vatican Monastery until his death on December 31, 2022. This upsetting news shocked the world and saddened many as the new year arrived.

The German-born pope first achieved his standing as sovereign of the Vatican City State on April 19, 2005, at the age of 78. He went on to become a notably influential modern pope, establishing many monasteries and the Benedictine order, helping Christianity to prosper and spread. However, Benedict would then shock the world by requesting retirement. Historically, a new pope was selected only following the death of the prior pope, with the last case of willing resignation occurring in 1415, when Gregory XII elected to step down from his role. Despite Benedict’s controversial decision, his successor, Pope Francis, spoke fondly and respectfully towards him, saying, “We are moved as we recall him as such a noble person, so kind, and we feel such gratitude in our hearts: gratitude towards God for having given him to the church.”
It is worth noting, however, that Benedict was not completely respected by everyone. In particular, many people criticized him for his handling of the church’s sex scandal in 2008. While he was technically not yet the pope at this time, he was an influential cardinal under the then Pope John Paul II. Benedict was responsible for a number of cases involving the sexual abuse of minors by Catholic priests. According to the New York Times, Benedict did make some attempt to initiate disciplinary actions, but also reportedly sided with the accused priests. This aggravated many sympathizers and caused a significant loss of faith in the Catholic Church as a whole.

Though his popehood experienced a rocky start – and he would become a rather controversial figure for the remainder of his servitude – Benedict was a truly beloved man to a great number of people. He only served as the bishop of Rome for eight years, but he, in that small time, maintained the foundation and reputation of the church even amidst numerous allegations and accusations. 

Though his popehood experienced a rocky start – and he would become a rather controversial figure for the remainder of his servitude – Benedict was a truly beloved man to a great number of people. He only served as the bishop of Rome for eight years, but he, in that small time, maintained the foundation and reputation of the church even amidst numerous allegations and accusations. 

Benedict’s funeral lasted for five days, ending on Thursday, January 5. His body was transported to St. Peter’s Basilica. Compared to those of previous popes, Benedict’s funeral was humble, most notably due to its lack of a major funeral procession. Despite this, however, thousands of people gathered in the streets of Rome to offer their respects. According to Time Magazine, many major European figures joined the mourners, including the President and Prime Minister of Italy, the king and queen of Belgium, and the former queen of Spain. Though Benedict XVI’s reign lasted through a difficult time, he commanded the church with authority and nobility, and many do – and forever will – look back on him fondly.