Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

The Thank You Board

Posted 02/04/2009 by Jasmine Kabera

TJ Social Worker Samanda Davis Gives her Thanks to TJ Teachers.

Student posts a message on the Thank You Board

A TJ student posts a message on the Thank You Board. photo by Kevin Fleming

In the main hall at TJ, across from the office, there can be found a wide space of bulletin board entitled: “Thanks For The Helping Hand,” with small construction paper cutout hands stitched into its white sheet. Inscribed in neat letters, TJ staff members and a few students have written notes of thanks to the teachers at TJ.

“The TJ cultural committee challenged teachers to give back to the school and it was something feasible that I could do,” said TJ Social Worker Samanda Davis about her Spartan-Up! activity. “I love the idea of recognizing other teachers for the small stuff.”

The idea came to Davis while she was at Steadman Elementary School where she also did a Thank You Board.  Davis started her project by handing out “hands” during staff meetings.

There is also a small envelope of hands (with different skin tones) hanging on the side of the bulletin board for any student or teacher passing by who would like to leave a note of thanks to someone in the school who hasn’t been thanked or who deserves thanks.

“It isn’t mandatory,” said Davis who, along with members of the staff, is also trying to encourage TJ students to say thanks to some of their favorite teachers.
There are numerous hands already up on the board. “People have written things like, thanking teachers for being cheerful or for smiling in class,” said Davis. “I thanked someone for making passes for me, for running meetings or supporting me.”

Dawn Catalano, the counselor for the Computer Magnet students, took time out of her busy schedule to thank Mary Hayhurst for all her hard work. “Ms. Hayhurst as a dean supports all students and works closely with the counseling department,” said Catalano.

“I wrote one to show my appreciation for someone who doesn’t necessarily get shown appreciation, you know?” said Feben Asfaw, a junior who thanked the school librarian.

Jacquelyn Hudson-Raila, an English teacher, gushed about being thanked by some of her former students. “I’m really touched and surprised. I’m glad that I am appreciated and that I’m doing the job I’m doing,” said Raila.

Ed Salazar, another teacher who was thanked by one of his students, was also pleasantly surprised. “Its all part of the job,” said Salazar, smiling.

Thanks For the Helping Hand (excerpts from the wall):
“We love you Mrs. Raila!”
– Anonymous

“Candace Grant. I really appreciate the help you give me on technology issues, especially the Special Education Encore Program. Thank you so much.”
– Gonzales.

“Thank you to Ms. Grant for being such a great mentor!”
– Ms. Black.

“Thank you teachers!”
– Anonymous

“Thanks Ms. D’Andrea for co-teaching Biology with me!”
– Conley

“Mrs. Atwood and Ms. Almond. For being great mentors, and help answer many of my questions. “
– Ms. Pitrone and Ms. Repensek

“Thanks Ms. Vann for all your hard work and for being there for our kids!”
– Conley

“Thank you Mr. Salazar for being a great teacher.”
– Stephanie Cox

“Michelle Lockhart. Thanks for your help and for being so dependable! “
– Candace Grant

“I thank Barbara Martinez for helping me communicate with a family!”
– Kathleen A.

“Thank you Barb for all the support you have given me and the students to reach our reading goals.”
– Anonymous

“Scott Thomas – For being a wonderful biology resource.”
– Anonymous”

“Ms. Johnson. I love you mom!”
– Alyssa

“Thank you Ms. Gerlits for helping my students.”
–  Ms. Pitrone.

“To Loretta G. For Always being cheery and saying hi!”
–  Ms. Molina

“Thank you Zac Alston for taking time out of everyday just to stop by my office to say “Hello” – even when I don’t have candy.”
–  Ms. Martinez

“Thank you Mr. Spampinato for always supporting and promoting drama and featuring us in the TJ Journal!”
–  Palmieri

“Thank you Mary Haryhurst for all your help and support!”
–  Catalano

“Thank you Ms. Moreno for all of your help and good advice!”
–  Mr. Mallaney

“Ms. Leslie and Ms. Katie you are amazing! We (heart) all the hard work you do.”
–  Anonymous

“Mr. Heaton. Thank you for being my neighbor.”
–  C. Johnson

“Mrs. Raila. Thanks for deciding to teach freshmen.”
– Anonymous

“Thanks Ms. Just for being a wonderful principal.”
–  Class of 2011

“Thank you Mr. Laman, for the way you strongly and cheerfully support out drama program on my favorite TV show, The Spartan Edition!”
–  Palmieri

“Mr. Sperry, thank you for being supportive!”
–  Sarah

“Mrs. Almond. You are doing a great job as chair!”
–  Mrs. Davis

“Thanks Ms. Conley! Love you!”
–  Anonymous

“Thanks to Mrs. Johnson for teaching my kids music!”
–  Ms. Repensek

“Ms. Holtman. Thanks for all your hard work/dedication!”
–  Ms. Trujillo.

“Thank you Ms. Stodola for all your hard work in the library.”
– Feben A.