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The Top Five Movie Villains

Posted 09/05/2008 by Jasmine Kabera

by Jasmine Kabera

    This is a compilation of those villains you love to hate. You know, the ones who overshadow the main character and take over the whole movie. The intelligent, deceiving, maniacal, and possibly psychotic Top Five Villains (of the past 18 years). 

Gumb.jpg5. Jame “Buffalo Bill” Gumb, Silence of the Lambs (1991).

“It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.”

What’s scarier than a bad guy with a fetish for the skin of overweight woman? Nothing of course. Then again I’d be angry too if I had a last name like Gumb and my first name was misspelled.


4. Lord Voldemort, Harry Potter Series (2001 – 2011).Voldemort.jpg

“Get back here, Potter! I want to see your face when I kill you! I want to see the light leave your eyes!”

For those who laugh at the many names of number four on the list, laugh no more – for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is the embodiment of evil. He’s a narcissistic, psychopathic mass murderer – with a grudge against a little boy, and he talks to snakes. 

Cort.jpg3. Anton Chigurh, No Country for Old Men (2007).

“What’s the most you ever lost on a coin toss?”

Anton Chigurh is a scary hit man with an even scarier haircut. For most of the movie he’s seen hauling around a captive bolt pistol and, well, killing people with it. It also comes in handy when blowing off door handles.


2. Hannibal Lecter, Silence of the Lambs (1991), Hannibal(2001), Red Dragon (2002).Hannibal.jpg

 “A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.”

Anthony Hopkins snagged a well-earned Academy award for his performance as the brilliant psychiatrist turned cannibalistic killer, Hannibal Lecter. Although he was not the main antagonist in Silence of the Lambs every other performance paled in comparison next to his – making Buffalo Bill’s antics look like child’s play.

Joker.jpg1. Joker, The Dark Knight (2008)

“Why so serious?”

Joker is definitely not the clown you want attending your child’s birthday party. Under all the smeared clown make-up there was a man who just wanted to have a bit of fun – at the expense of an entire city, and becoming a permanent thorn in Batman’s side. Though some might disagree, Heath Ledger’s performance topped that of Jack Nicholson’s interpretation of Joker in the 1989 movie Batman.  It’s a fact. Live with it. End of discussion.