Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

TJ Golf Prepares for Big Tournaments

Posted 10/04/2010 by Anthony Jones

TJ golf is looking to send Kyle Freeland and standout seniors to state tournament.

Senior Grant Maloney takes a swing at the golf ball. Photo by Marelle Davey

Now as the golf season comes to a close and state is around the corner, TJ is getting ready to send its season standout qualifier, Kyle Freeland, to play in the state tournament.

In their last few meets, Cody Smith (varsity player) has noticed the competitive level, of the Spartans and other teams speed up.  “In our last match we played a mix of DPS teams, it feels like the end is coming quick.”  Golf is a pretty short season and the matches are fairly close together; however, since the team has a lot of time to practice before each tournament compared to other sports, it’s easier for Spartans to cope with the pressure of qualifying and doing well in state tournaments.  “Everyone is trying a little bit harder; were all aware of the end but there’s no real added pressure,” said Smith.

Smith and his teammates show confidence in each other and look up to state qualifiers like Freeland as representing the best of their efforts.  “I think the reason we all do generally pretty decent is because we all have fun and aren’t as stressed as other sports,” said Smith.  What makes golf different from other sports, says Smith, are how each player’s effort matters against a number of teams.

With his teammates consistently scoring in mid 70’s and 80’s in the last tournament, Smith is at ease and looks forward to finishing this season well.  “I feel like I have tried my best this year and I’m happy with where we are in the rankings right now.”  Freeland should be headlining another state tournament.