Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

TJ Succeeds

Posted 12/01/2009 by Rachel Wilson

CU Denver is offering classes on TJ’s campus to help students succeed.

Artwork by Mia Nogueira

Artwork by Mia Nogueira

As early as next semester, TJ will be offering CUSucceeds classes right here on TJ’s campus. These are college classes that will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays during period 8 next semester, which will count as both high school and college credits for students. The courses being offered are Intro to Ethnic Studies and African American History, and the deadline to sign up for these classes will be in the first week of December.

These classes are directed toward juniors and seniors, and the administration hopes to have a minimum of twenty students enrolled in these classes in order to run them. “It’s a really sweet deal,” said Assistant Principal Scott Lessard. “All you have to pay is tuition, but if you pass the class with at least a C, you get reimbursed.  The book is free and students get a full semester of high school and college social studies credit. This could mean an easier freshman year in college!” Not only is the class free if you pass, but every student enrolled automatically becomes eligible for a one thousand dollar scholarship to CU Denver.

As well as counting for college credits, these classes also help students prepare for what is to come when they enter college. “These are actually college classes, but they are more convenient because they’re being offered here at TJ. Taking these classes will give students a sneak peek of what their classes will be like once they start college,” said Lessard.
Also, it has been proven that students succeed more in college if they have taken college level classes before college. Lessard said, “Students show the highest success rates in college if they have taken AP classes along with some sort of post-secondary education while in high school. We want to give students the opportunity to succeed that is both convenient and affordable.”

CUSucceeds classes are an excellent way to get ahead of the game for juniors and seniors if they have period 8 empty. “Students will still get to enjoy leaving school early on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, while earning a semester of college and high school credit on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I really think it’s a win- win deal,” said Lessard.