Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

TJ’s Once and Future Principal

Posted 11/14/2011 by Dani Ruzycki

Senior Jacob Stapel is very involved in the TJ community, works three jobs, and participates in the Special Olympics; and fancies he could be the next principal at TJ.

Jacob Stapel tells Ms. Just to answer the phones. Photo by Ed Gloor

While current TJ Principal Sandra Just has no foreseeable plans to vacate her position, Spartan Jacob Stapel has specific designs on being her replacement.

Jacob was born on October 9, 1991 and was diagnosed with Down Syndrome, a condition that affects about one in every 800 babies. With this condition, extra genetic material causes delays in the way a child develops, mentally and physically.

Even though Jacob has Down Syndrome, he does not let it define him. Jacob is very active in his school’s community and he says he likes to lend a helping hand. After lunch everyday, Jacob can be found cleaning up and putting things away in the lunchroom. “I like to help in the lunchroom; I bring in the ketchup, mustard, knives, forks, spoons, and the salad bar,” Jacob said proudly. This responsibility is one that Jacob took on himself; he wasn’t told to help in the lunchroom, he just wanted to help.

The lunchroom isn’t the only place benefiting from Jacob’s help; the classroom is as well. Mollie Pitrone, Special Education Teacher, has known Jacob for all four years he has attended TJ, and has nothing but good things to say about her student. “Jacob is a very hard worker and enjoys knowing he is doing things the right way. He knows how to pick his friends wisely and likes to interact with other students. I like to have him help the newer students because I know he will get along with them. He has a great attitude and he wants to be independent.”

Being independent is one way to describe Jacob, but responsible is another one that comes to mind for his teachers. Like any normal teenager, Jacob has a job; however, he goes the extra mile. Burger King, Beau Jo’s, and the Hebrew Educational Alliance are all places where Jacob works. “My favorite job is Burger King; I like to help fill up the drinks,” Jacob commented.

Having a job, or in Jacob’s case three, is part of the curriculum at Thomas Jefferson. “We do a work-study with our students. For our ninth grade students and some sophomores, we give them jobs around the school. After having a job around TJ we let them do a job shadow, where they go out of the school and see how a job is done. By their senior year, we have three jobs lined up for them,” explained Pitrone.

When not out doing his job study, Jacob has a schedule that keeps him busy at school. The classes that he takes include Cooking, Reading, Math, Gym, a Language Lab, and Social Skills in the Community. “I really like art.  I draw a lot of pictures that have a lot of colors,” said Jacob.

Jacob may have the potential to be the next Picasso, but he also focuses his time on gymnastics and bowling. For as long as Jacob can remember he has always had a knack  for bowling. He participates in Bowling events through the Special Olympics of Colorado. On September 13, 2011 Jacob was honored for his participation during the Hall of Fame breakfast hosted at the Grand Hyatt in downtown Denver. Not only was he honored, Jacob also made it on television. 9News did a segment on the breakfast, where Jacob made his television début.

Jacob also finds time in his busy schedule for another sport besides bowling. Gymnastics is a recent sport that Jacob has taken up that is also through the Special Olympics. “I have been doing gymnastics for two years and I do the bars and rings. I really like doing gymnastics and bowling,” Jacob said with a smile.

When this athlete is not playing sports, Jacob can be found showing off his moves on the dance floor. “I really like dancing. I think I am a good at it. I put on my hat and leather coat when I go dancing.” Going to dances is just one thing on Jacob’s busy social agenda; he also attends luncheons, breakfasts, and other social events.

If that doesn’t keep him busy enough during the weekends, Jacob hangs out with Chris, his older brother, and goes to the movies. “I go to the movie theatre on the weekends, and I go by myself. I just saw Zoo Keeper; it was a funny movie and I liked it,” Jacob critiqued. If not at the movies, Jacob plays games at home. “I can’t wait to play my Jack Sparrow game all the time when I graduate,” Jacob laughed.

The senior says he can’t wait to get his diploma, but before he does, he plans on giving the Principal, Sandra Just, a run for her money. “Jacob is always ready to move Ms. Just out of the way and take over. He wants to be the principal of TJ,” Pitrone said with a giggle.

Jacob has been known to go into Just’s office, sit at her desk, and put his feet up. “I think I would be a good principal. I would want to do the announcements. Mrs. Just doesn’t mind if I am the principal, she likes it,” Jacob said as he let everyone in on his plan.

When asked for her side of the story, Just couldn’t help but smile. “I think that TJ would be in very capable hands if Jacob took over. He already comes into my office and sits at my desk. He also told the teachers he would give them all a raise,” remarked Just.

Jacob has many friends and it isn’t hard to tell why. After our interview, he gave me a handshake and said, “Very nice to meet you.” It is clear that Jacob is quite the gentleman and is more than willing to make many acquaintances. Jacob says he wants to stay home after he graduates, but it is safe to say he might end up in the principal’s office. So TJ better watch out, because Principal Stapel is in the building!