Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

All Treats No Tricks

Posted 11/04/2016 by Megen Priest

Black Student Alliance members hand out candy to prospective Spartans at Trick-or-Treat street. photo by Maggie Foos

Thomas Jefferson High School throws its annual Trick-or-Treat Street to celebrate Halloween with future Spartans.

A fun time was had by all at Thomas Jefferson’s fourth annual Trick-or-Treat Street, with fun activities including face painting hosted by TJ’s art students, costume contests, and games hosted by student-ran clubs. Kids from elementary schools nearby were welcomed to TJ for an evening of fright and fun, with a total of 15 clubs running tables with events like how to tie a tie, races, and many more. Clubs like Black Student Alliance (BSA), DECA, leadership, and many others were running these tables for children to come to and win candy. Not only were there events inside, but, outside senior Ty McKeen was representing the robotics program by launching t-shirts and frisbees with a student made robot, as TJ’s band played music to greet students and parents as they arrived to this fun event.

BSA started the tradition of Trick-or-Treat Street to bring in prospective Spartans from elementary schools like Southmoor, Holm, and many other schools surrounding TJ, and show parents, students, and the surrounding neighborhoods around us how community oriented Thomas Jefferson High School is. Principal Mike Christoff said, “Any opportunity we can get to get out in front of our neighbors and be a good neighbor is a good thing.” With this year being the biggest this event has been so far, not only were there clubs running tables, but Denver’s Rotary Club and the Marriott Hotel were present as well. Hosting over 275 people, CTE Partnership Coordinator and BSA sponsor Danny Showers exclaimed, “We never ran out of candy!”

Hoping to build upon this event, other outside business are planning to run tables at next year’s event. Not only does fun traditions like Trick-or-Treat Street bring prospective Spartans to TJ but, it also brings TJ together as a family.