Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

ID Badges Mandatory for All Spartans

Posted 09/15/2009 by Michael Kutz

New policy steps up security for staff and students.

All students and staff are expected to where their id badges at all times.  photo by Rebecca Holt

All students and staff are expected to wear their id badges at all times. photo by Rebecca Holt

At Thomas Jefferson High School, the staff is stepping up the security by announcing that student ID badges must be worn at all times.

The badges are to be worn around the neck with a lanyard, which students can receive from Jennifer Humphrey in the main office. The Administration says that this is only for the safety of TJ Students, and is designed to keep people who aren’t TJ staff or students out of the building. If a student is caught walking around without an ID, he or she will be taken to the office, a new ID will be made, and that student’s account will be charged $5. “I’d be sad if that happened [to me]. It’s five bucks down the drain,” said Junior Richard Van Zetten.

“It’s the next logical step to make students safe,” said Assistant Principal Scott Lessard, who also confirmed that the main reason for this badge policy is for protecting the students and staff of TJ. It prevents unwanted guests from coming to TJ, and yet creates what the administration considers only a very minor inconvenience for current TJ students and staff.

However, it can become more than an inconvenience for students who tend to lose their IDs often, because each fine adds up, and by the end of the year, some students may be stuck with a mounting debt in small fines.

According to student advisor Mike Laurita, “The biggest thing is safety.” A high priority of TJ’s administration is to protect every Spartan, and  Laurita says this new policy will help keep Thomas Jefferson High School safe and sound.