Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

World’s Finest Fundraiser

Posted 12/11/2016 by Kathryn Schroeck

SkillsUSA continues their annual chocolate fundraiser in hope to better support their program. photo by Andrew Seidenstat

SkillsUSA continues a long lasting, chocolaty tradition.

SkillsUSA is beginning their World’s Finest Chocolate fundraiser in order to raise money for their program. They are selling different kinds of chocolate bars for only $1 each. The SkillsUSA program receives half the profits from the chocolate sales, and World’s Finest Chocolate continues to be the biggest fundraiser SkillsUSA holds.

The World’s Finest Chocolate fundraiser is a program that can be found in many schools, churches, sports teams, and other organizations. World’s Finest has sold over six billion chocolate bars, helping organizations raise over three billion dollars worldwide. A large portion of the money raised goes toward the SkillsUSA state competition that TJ students attend in the spring. “Money is also used towards the work programs that are determined by the SkillsUSA officers such as the food drive and other community services,” explained SkillsUSA advisor and 3D animation and web applications teacher Jerry Esparza.

Students are encouraged to buy chocolates while the fundraiser is still in place; Skills members with their boxes of chocolate can be found in Esparza’s classroom throughout the school day and in the halls during passing period or after school. “The money from the sales goes towards making SkillsUSA a more enjoyable environment,” mentioned SkillsUSA member and  junior Andrew Seidenstat. The money made from the fundraiser goes towards getting pizza for members and other fun activities encouraging TJ students to join SkillsUSA. Many students, both those selling and buying chocolate, look forward to this fundraiser every year. With a large variety of chocolates including milk, dark, caramel, almond, and crisp, there is a chocolate bar fit for everyone.

Because the Skills members physically have the chocolates they are selling, more students are encouraged to buy the chocolates in order to satisfy their cravings instantly, unlike other fundraisers. This year, TJ plans to sell fifty boxes of chocolate, each containing sixty bars each, which is twice as many than last year, proving how the chocolate sale tradition only continues being more popular among TJ students. The World’s Finest Chocolate fundraiser has been at TJ for the past five years, and will surely continue for many years to come.