Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Delightful Daniela

Posted 12/06/2010 by Katie Boyer

Junior Daniela Cardona kicks up her Spartan spirit.

Photo by Katie Boyer

As a Student Council member, Interact Club President and DECA officer, Daniela Cardona exemplifies great leadership and determination as a TJ student. Besides being a member of a handful of clubs, Cardona also participates in softball and soccer.  “I try to be well rounded and stay on top of my game in academics and extracurricular activities,” Cardona said.

Since her freshman year at TJ, Cardona has been an active member of the Student Council. Along with the rest of the student governing body, she organizes events, such as dances, for the school. “We set up themes, decorations, and selling tickets for dances. Everything is for students, by students,” said Cardona. Student Council also organizes food drives. In the previous weeks leading up to November 12, each class competed in collecting the most cans which were then donated to families in need. “I love to volunteer. I feel accomplished when I help out my community and get a rush of joy. That’s why I joined the Interact Club,” said Cardona.

Interact Club is a service club wherein members participate in several volunteer projects per year. The club has different points of focus: international, national or local, in the 10 community service projects accomplished each year. Just recently Club President Cardona and members of the Interact Club hosted a food drive, collaborating with Inter-Faith Food Bank, collecting food or cash donations on Saturday, November 13. “I was nervous asking people for donations at first, but then was comfortable approaching people. By noon we had actually raised four big boxes full of food and toiletries for neighbors going through rough times. It felt great to know I helped deliver food to people in need,” said Cardona.

As Interact Club President for the second year in a row, Cardona’s job is to oversee all the committees working on different projects throughout the year. She also begins discussions and covers new projects at the weekly meeting every Monday at lunch. “Daniela is a fantastic leader and dynamic organizer. Last year, TJ Interact Club received the district award of best Interact Club in the northern part of the state with her help. That meant beating out 77 other Interact Clubs running for the honor. Cardona will definitely go far,” said Danny Showers, Staff Advisor for the Interact Club.

Being Interact Club President is not the only extracurricular activity in which Cardona participates; she is also the Secretary of DECA, a business and marketing society formally known as Distributive Educational Clubs of America. During meetings, Cardona’s task is to record what is being talked about, so it can be brought up at the next meeting. DECA Vice President Dylan Jennings says, “Daniela is an important asset to DECA, since she makes sure to record everything that is discussed so we know what’s already been covered and what topics we have yet to talk about.” Cardona says she enjoys participating in the discussions and providing valuable input and opinions.

As an athlete, Cardona played softball for three years, two on Junior Varsity, before her endurance and strength allowed her to move up to Varsity for her junior year. Softball coach Kyler Jackson says, “Daniela has played outfield for TJ’s Varsity team and I think she makes a great addition to the team. She’s one of the fastest girls I’ve seen and she really tries hard at bettering herself. Not only that, she’s respectful and ultimately a pleasure to be around.”

Though she plays two sports throughout the year, Cardona concentrates on the technique of each game during the season. “When it’s softball season, I’m in my softball zone and then when it’s soccer season, it’s all about soccer. I commit myself to everything I do,” Cardona states.

Having immigrated to the United States at six years old, Cardona is full of Colombian pride. Born in Cali, Colombia, also known as the sport’s capital of Colombia, Cardona remembers soccer always being a part of her life. Cali has two soccer stadiums: Estadio Olímpico Pascual Guerrero and Estadio Deportivo Cali. At a professional level, Cali hosts just soccer teams. At the amateur level there are basketball, baseball, indoor soccer, volleyball, and other sports.

Growing up in a Colombian culture where soccer is often watched and played gave Cardona an incentive to play soccer at TJ in the Spring season. Cardona, left handed and left footed, has played left wingback on JV since her freshman year. “During Spring, I definitely get into the soccer spirit. I play for fun but I’m really competitive so I strive to win,” Cardona commented. “My soccer coach, who’s also my AP Government teacher, Jon Poole, really pushes me to condition so I can be fit and do the best I can.”

“Daniela is really tough on the field. She’ll go after the ball fearlessly and that’s essentially what makes her a great player,” said Poole, who is the Junior Varsity Girls’ soccer coach. Off the field, Cardona takes Advanced Constitutional Law Honors/AP Government with Poole, in hopes of becoming a lawyer in the future. “I think she’d make an excellent lawyer. She’s a strong debater and is always confident about her position. Another thing that will help her is how well she takes criticism and tries hard to improve,” said Poole.

Though she’s only a junior, Cardona has given great thought about her future in college. “I’ve been looking at the University of Colorado at Boulder and I’d really like to go there. I realize it’d be hard to become a lawyer, but I’m committed to my dreams,” Cardona stated.

As an outstanding student, responsible Interact Club President and DECA Secretary, Cardona has a passion to succeed. Even with her academic extracurricular activities, she finds time to play sports and stay well rounded, all with a humorous, upbeat attitude.