Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Spartan Athletics


TJ Spartan Logo



Hudl TV Page: watch the game from home using this subscription service!

Athletics at Thomas Jefferson provide additional opportunities for students to grow in leadership, self-awareness, respect, responsibility, healthy competition, lifelong fitness, and other positive disciplines.



Spring Registration Deadline: February 22nd!


New Sports Physical Forms are Required for NEXT year.  Although the specific CHSAA template is not required until NEXT year, the templates for the physicals can be found below.  These forms will be required for 2025-2026.  The forms are not required for 2024-2025 but it will be good to get a head start so you don’t have to redo it next year. Sports Physical Forms:


New Online Ticketing Platform! Click Here for Tickets!

High School Athletics Calendar and Registration Information:

Tryouts and Official Practices for the CHSAA High School Fall 2024 Sports Season will begin:

  • August 5th for Boys Golf.

  • August 12 for Cross Country, Girls Flag Football, Football, Boys Golf, Boys Soccer, Softball, Spirit, Boys Tennis, Unified Bowling, Girls Volleyball.

  • The full 2024-2025 CHSAA Calendar can be found here.

In order for your student to participate in tryouts and official practices for the 2024-2025 school year, your student must have:

  • A completed and submitted arbitersports/familyid registration.

  • A current physical exam must be on file with the High School Athletic Director. Please note that the School Based Health Center will open after tryouts and practice have begun, during the week of August 12.

  • A transcript review for eligibility (enrolled students will have their grades automatically verified so no need to submit). Students without a program, please see info below.


What is the the district’s stance on transportation? DPS has released the following memo in regards to transportation: Athletics memo

DPS Transportation Services is working hard to help students have a successful athletic experience.  If interested and available, please consider joining our team. Click here for more info: DPS Recruitment Flier DPS Transportation

How do I purchase tickets for a game? Admission is charged for the following events: gymnastics, volleyball, varsity football, basketball, swim/dive, wrestling. DPS is using an online ticketing platform and tickets can be purchased online by going to the DPS ticketing site and finding the game, or by going to the TJ athletics calendar and clicking the ticket icon beneath the game.

DPS ticket prices are as follows:

$5.00 for Adults

$3.00 for students without athletic pass/sticker

$1.00 for Senior Citizens (65 and +)

$1.00 for Elementary students

FREE for children under 3

Note: Out of district games have their own ticket systems and prices. The tickets and prices above are for DPS regular season events and do not include tournaments or post season events. Post season tickets are through CHSAA and there will be a charge for those games as well.

How do I contact a coach? You can email your coach and find out sport-specific information. Find their contact info by visiting their sport’s website. You can also find season start dates and coach information all in one place: SEASON START DATES AND COACH CONTACT INFO 2024-2025

How do I get a refund if I register and pay for a sport but decide not to play, or get cut? Student or parent should request a refund by email from Ms. Carla Allen ( within the first two weeks of the season. If a student participates in a game/event or scrimmage they will no longer be eligible for a refund for that sport. Refunds will be processed through the district within 1-2 weeks.

What are the attendance expectations for student-athletes? The expectation is to attend every class, on time, every day. A parent or guardian must call in to excuse a student for an absence (example: doctor’s appointment).  See TJ handbook and attendance policy for more details.

Student-athletes who are excused by their coach for an athletic event are still responsible for the work they missed. A student who misses more than 50% of the school day is not eligible to participate in athletic contests that day, unless given express written consent from the AD or principal ahead of time.

Student-athletes with unexcused absences and/or tardies are subject to lose eligibility or attendance probation for sports. Student-athletes with overall attendance under 93% are subject to ineligibility or probation for sports.

Where is the TJ sports schedule? Game/event schedules can be found on rSchool. Please note that games can and do change (example: weather cancelations). Coaches will communicate updates to players when changes occur.

What is the current CHSAA calendar? Visit CHSAA for most current information on their website.

When and how do I register for a sport? DPS will open FamilyID registration about 2 weeks prior to the season starting. You will need to register, pay, and upload your current physical into FamilyID.  If you have trouble uploading your physical please email a copy of your physical to: AND/OR

How will coaches know I am clear to try out? Coaches have an online, live list of students who have been cleared to try out. To be cleared, you will need to have registered, paid, and uploaded your current physical. And if you are 10-12 grade AND new to TJ athletics you’ll have the added one-time step of completing CHSAA transfer registration.


We are excited to offer the convenience of online registration and parent permission forms through FamilyID. PLEASE NOTE: ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE ONLINE; STUDENTS MUST REGISTER FOR EVERY SPORT IN WHICH THEY PARTICIPATE

  1. Preregistration (ONLY if you are new to DPS or have not yet created an account)                    Setup your MySchoolBucks Account: Create a MySchoolBucks (MSB) account or link your existing MSB account by logging into the Parent Portal ( , clicking on the Students Payments via MySchoolBucks button and then the MySchoolBucks link.
    • If you are a new MySchoolBucks user, click on the green New MySchoolBucks User button and follow the prompts
    • If you are an existing MySchoolBucks user (for meal accounts), click on the orange Existing MySchoolBucks User button and enter your MSB username and password. You will receive an email confirming the linkage of your existing MSB and Parent Portal accounts.
  2. Register Online:
  3. Payment: Click the green Pay & Submit button and follow the prompts, enter your DPS Parent Portal Username and Password when prompted
  4. Physical Exam – Expires every 365 days. Current physical should be turned into Ms. Carla Allen (Treasurer/Athletics Office)
  5. Not a student at TJ?  See information and link below for an additional step for Students Without a Program (SWOP).

Returning Spartans need to log into their FamilyID account, update info as needed, register for sport, and pay fees. First time Registering Spartans will need to create a FamilyID profile and answer all of the emergency contact information, etc. in addition to registering and payment of fees. If there is not an N/A option for medical questions, please just answer no.

NOTE: If you do not have a Parent Portal account, go to, click on Getting Started and complete the Registration Form.  You will receive an email with account activation instructions.  Once your Parent Portal account is set up, follow the steps above.

**Please access our frequent Q&A section here: FamilyID Q&A or visit the Athletics Page on the school website at for more information about specific sports.

Visit for more information on the implementation of MySchoolBucks, including a user guide that can be translated into multiple languages and contact information if you need support.

Pay to Play Fee

2022 -2023 school year high school athletic (pay to play) fees are as follows:

  • $90 per sport season if paid and registered on-line
  • $25 per sport season if approved FRL (free/reduced lunch) paperwork is completed and submitted and payment and registration is completed and submitted on-line
    • FRL rates are available for any DPS enrolled student after FRL paperwork is approved

Sports Physical Information

A copy of your student’s current sports physical must be on file with the athletics office in order to participate. Be sure to make a copy for your own records before emailing it to our Athletic Secretary Carla Allen, You can also bring a hard copy to Ms. Allen in the treasurer’s office.

All DPS students are eligible to get a free sports physical through the Denver Health School Based Clinics. To make an appointment at the clinic here at TJ, call 720-423-7190 to schedule an appointment. Other locations that are open throughout the summer include Place Bridge Academy in southeast Denver (720-424-2050) and the Evie Dennis Campus in the far northeast (720-423-7610). You will need to complete the Denver Health application and consent form prior to receiving services. You can download these forms below if needed:


Denver Health Application/Consent – English

Denver Health Application/Consent – Spanish


Transfer Student

If your student attended a different high school at any point in the previous school year they are considered a transfer student and must submit a transfer waiver. CHSAA is moving to a new system for transfer students and we will post updated information when we get it.

Students may not play in any games until cleared by CHSAA.  Students may practice while being processed (with golden ticket).

Students Without a Program (SWOP)

If your student attends a school that does not offer a program, they are allowed to try out at a school that does offer the program.  The following requirements should be taken into consideration:

  1. If the school the student attends offers a sport or program the student must participate at that school.
  2. Students should locate and choose to participate at the school that offers the most options based on their interests.  (They should only be playing at their school of attendance and one other school).
  3. Students are encouraged to select the school closest to them based on school of attendance or home address.
  4. Once students have selected a school to participate with and established eligibility, any change in participation is considered an athletic move and will be subject to all CHSAA transfer rules and  policies.

All students who will be participating in a sport that is not offered at their school of attendance must register using the CHSAA transfer portal. To begin the process please email the Athletic Director Andrew Skari at The email should include your student’s name, the program they would like to participate in, the school they currently attend, and an email address for the parent/guardian. Once we receive the email we will send you the transfer paperwork through the CHSAA portal. For most SWOP registrations you will not need to upload any supporting documents. Once the parent/guardian completes the paperwork it is submitted to CHSAA for review and approval.

TJ Parent & Athlete Information: Parent – Athlete Info

Admission to Games

DPS schools collect admission to many sporting events, which in turn helps fund and promote our athletics programs at TJ.  Outside sports do not collect admission unless the game is played at All-City Stadium.  Generally, inside sports (basketball, gymnastics, swimming, volleyball, wrestling) collect admission.  Tournaments and CHSAA playoff games will have separate pricing.

DPS Admission Prices*:

$5.00 for Adults

$3.00 for students without athletic pass/sticker

$1.00 for Senior Citizens (65 and +)

$1.00 for Elementary students

FREE for children under 3

Post-season games and tournament admission prices may be different – please check ahead of game times.

*Subject to change per DPS policies

Denver Public Schools Bag Policy for Stadiums

Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl or PVC and do not exceed 12” x 6” x 12” are allowed. No buckles, grommets/hardware or décor can be concealing any part of the bag. The bag literally must be all clear) or • One-gallon clear plastic freezer bag (Ziploc bag or similar). • Small clutch bags, approximately the size of a hand, with or without a handle or strap can be taken into the stadium with one of the clear plastic bag options. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: purses larger than a clutch bag, coolers, briefcases, backpacks, fanny packs, cinch bags, seat cushions, luggage of any kind, computer bags and camera bags or any bag larger than the permissible size.

Diaper bags and bags that contain medical devices, may be allowed, following the review of these specific bags and items by Denver Public Schools Safety and Security.

Re-Entry Policy:  Stadiums

Denver Public Schools has a NO RE-ENTRY policy. Ticketed guests who exit are NOT permitted to re-enter with a previously scanned ticket.

Useful Links

Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA)

TJ Sports on Max Preps – Find game/competition results

Proactive Coaching – Great resource for positive, character based approach to athletics

City Prep Radio – Local coverage of High School Athletics

Denver Post Preps – Local coverage of High School Athletics, game/competition results.



Proud Partners of Thomas Jefferson High School Athletics:
