TJ Leadership has made a positive impact on both TJ and the broader Denver community this year. Over the course of this school year, TJ’s Leadership class has been hard at work providing unique expe... More
On the night of March 4th, English rock band You Me At Six appeared in Denver for their recent Back Again Tour to perform songs old and new. My father, my friend, and I stood outside of the Marquis Th... More
Thomas Jefferson High School held its third annual online auction from March 10th through the 14th. On Thursday, March 14th, TJ concluded its third annual auction since the fundraiser’s launch in 20... More
Your astrological sign just might dictate how you should spend your spring break. This spring break marks the commencement of a new zodiac year, beginning with Aries. For most, that means reflecting a... More
Inspired by the new Netflix show, “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,” I decided to embark on my own tidying journey following the KonMari Method in order to spark more joy in my life. Marie Kondo is a... More
Omnes Graecorum quid est verum et iustam sciunt, sed Spartani solum id factitant! “All the Greeks know what is right and fair, but the Spartans alone practice it!” –TJ Classical Lea... More
The Leadership team has planned a Mardi Gras dance for TJ students. In continuation of a new tradition, a second dance for the entire school to enjoy will be held on March 9th. After realizing that TJ... More
As environmental awareness becomes more essential in our ever-changing world, consumers should examine a commonly overlooked area: their closets. The fashion industry is notorious for its lack of resp... More
Having a job while in high school can be challenging, but also deeply rewarding. It is no secret that high school is stressful. Students are constantly juggling their school work, sports, extracurricu... More
The robotics team makes headway to the First Robotics Competition. TJ robotics teacher Matt Santambrogio and the robotics team are headed to the First Robotics Competition (FRC) yet again. Despite bei... More