Thomas Jefferson

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Category: TJ Journal Feature

A Swift ComebackPosted 11/10/2017 by Kathryn Schroeck

Taylor Swift makes a long awaited comeback with a new album. American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift is soon to release her sixth album and give her fans the music they’ve been eagerly awaiting. The... More

Klimczak is BackPosted 05/25/2017 by Maddox Moran

Head Lacrosse coach accepts full time position at TJ. TJ’s head lacrosse coach, Jason Klimczak, was born in Chicago and moved here when he was ten. He has officially joined the TJ community this yea... More

Wellness WomanPosted 05/24/2017 by Mia Grijalva

Brittany Nicolo demonstrates her passions through teaching success to her students and wellness to those around her. Due to teacher Brittany Nicolo’s personal interest in the wellness of her studen... More

All The Right Elements for TeachingPosted 05/21/2017 by Andrew Seidenstat

New teacher Lauren Marcotte changes the chemistry of TJ’s science department. Lauren Marcotte is the newest edition to the science department as a Chemistry and Earth Science teacher. This is Marcot... More

The Cecil ThreecilPosted 05/15/2017 by Jordan Prochnow

Varsity basketball players Kieran, Ryan, and Logan Cecil are exceptional athletes, students, and individuals, on and off the basketball court. Basketball coach Don Meyer once said, “To be a team, yo... More

Presenting the Future for ForestsPosted 05/08/2017 by Reagan Tucker

Spartans participate in an environmental conference shaping Rocky Mountain National Park.  On March 1st, 2017, Estes Park Town Hall hosted a biennial research conference dedicated to bettering Rocky ... More

Beauty is BackPosted 05/01/2017 by Grace Leonard

The Disney classic returns to the big screen with added twists and magic. Disney released a live action version of Beauty and the Beast on March 17th. The reimagined film gave fans of all ages somethi... More

Drawing AttentionPosted 03/17/2017 by Grace Leonard

Junior Ema Leveque impacts the TJ community through her artistic talent.   Junior Ema Leveque is excited to give back to her community through art.  She began drawing at a young age, taking after he... More

Divide and ConquerPosted 02/16/2017 by Kathryn Schroeck

After a year-long hiatus, singer and songwriter Ed Sheeran is back with two new singles crushing the charts. Two-time Grammy winning and platinum selling artist Ed Sheeran has returned to the top of t... More

La La Landing Itself a RecordPosted 02/10/2017 by Baxter Stein

The musical La La Land breaks Golden Globe Record for most awards. It’s not often that a musical finds success in Hollywood – in fact, many might call the musical a dying art form. Released to... More