Thomas Jefferson

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Category: TJ Journal Feature

COVID Diary #16Posted 11/20/2020 by Nicholas Neuhalfen

Nick. Am I who I want to be? As quarantine rages on, I find myself returning to this seemingly easy yes or no question on almost a daily basis. I’ve made it my goal to find an answer or at least dev... More

COVID Diary #15Posted 11/20/2020 by Adam McPherson

Adam. Interestingly, my story about the COVID-19 pandemic dates back to January. I wasn’t feeling super good, I felt out of it. I went on a trip to New Mexico with my soccer team to play two games. ... More

COVID Diary #14Posted 11/18/2020 by Deqa Muse

Deqa. Like most teenagers, I believed this virus was a myth—a tale as old as time that’s been passed through generations, taking on a new form as every storyteller was affected differently, a myth... More

COVID Diary #13Posted 11/18/2020 by Eliana Channell

Eliana.  COVID-19 struck everyone differently. I was one of the lucky ones. I have a safe and quiet environment where I can do my work. I have my own computer and my own work space. Some kids aren’... More

COVID Diary #12Posted 11/16/2020 by Holden Knostman

Holden. Disclaimer:  Before reading the following, please understand that the situation I was given in response to the COVID-19 outbreak was the best possible scenario, and I’m super thankful to be... More

COVID Diary #11Posted 11/15/2020 by Roxanne Wilkerson

Roxanne. Who knew so many hopes could be crushed in a matter of hours? I was building my way up in life, striving for success. I’d gained a powerful desire to achieve more and exceed expectations ov... More

COVID Diary #10Posted 11/12/2020 by Georgia Hartley

Georgia.  It was March, and for me, things were looking up for the first time in six months. My mind had entered back into my body, and my spark, the little flame that makes me who I am, had begun to... More

COVID Diary #9Posted 11/12/2020 by Jael Iyema

To whom it may concern,   Let me tell you about the lockdown.   When it came We seemed to appreciate Mother Earth’s creations a little more than we did before  Waters were a bit clearer P... More

COVID Diary #8Posted 11/11/2020 by Rachel SanPedro

Rachel. In May of 2020, Jeff Kasanoff tweeted a viewpoint on Americans’ behavior in the pandemic that would stay with me for a while: “Very American to decide we are bored with COVID and therefore... More

COVID Diary #7Posted 11/11/2020 by Madelyn Staples

Madelyn. I knew COVID was serious when I was sitting in first period, AP Lang, and I saw the unease on Mr. Silvers’ face as he told us we had this “extended” spring break. That’s when all of m... More